Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus et finibus eros, ut pharetra arcu. Proin aliquam leo ut ultrices rhoncus. Sed tempor varius lorem, non rhoncus est faucibus in. Morbi finibus nibh sapien, sit amet convallis enim pellentesque ut. In non lectus interdum, imperdiet ipsum nec, luctus dolor. Nulla eget odio ut neque suscipit lobortis. Curabitur consectetur interdum pellentesque. Fusce suscipit sapien non neque dapibus, sed tincidunt velit imperdiet. Etiam sed luctus ex, sed commodo ante. Aenean auctor porta aliquet. Proin sodales risus tempor sem egestas mattis. Maecenas sapien nisl, aliquet at ex sit amet, mattis faucibus diam. Nam ornare arcu vitae massa fermentum, commodo porta turpis egestas. Proin gravida leo at elit convallis, a molestie velit placerat. Nam tempus nisi augue, vitae consectetur turpis dapibus at. Nam in hendrerit ex.
The best way to reach customers again and again
The RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) is the scheme put in place to financially reward customers who are benefiting from renewable energy sources to heat their properties. There is a separate RHI for domestic and non domestic customers. The RHI is a seven year scheme where you will receive payments every quarter . This will be based on every Kwh of heat that the Air Source Heat Pump will produce.
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